Siena to Lucignano d’arbia; When the Chamber of Commerce Writes the Guidebook

Today was 13 miles, bringing our total to 98 miles walked. It was a bit of a scorcher, with early afternoon temperatures in the mid-90’s, and not much in the way of shade on our walk today.

After a day’s rest, we left Siena, heading southward towards Rome.

(The view of Siena from our “rear view mirror”).

The walk was rolling, but generally downhill, passing dried wheat field after dried wheat field. Still beautiful, but in a different sense than forest land.

So, what happens when the Chamber of Commerce writes the guide book? First, let me provide a couple of photos of much of the walk:

What you can see here is an enjoyable, but sparse landscape, with not a lot of trees to offer shade. Enjoyable, but barren.

On  the Camino Frances (Spain), the primary guide book (Brierley) would describe the Meseta (very similar to this countryside) as:  “another dry walk along the soulless senda (trail)”.

Here in Italy, this type of terrain is described as: “Among the most charming stretches of the Tuscan route … offering a different landscape in every season, even the extraordinary uniformity of these hills, nearly without trees and almost entirely cultivated with wheat: green in spring, bread crust in summer, in autumn after ploughing they reveal… the greys of the clay earth. The settlements are few …”

So, lets put this paragraph through a Google translator filter to translate from “chamber-of-commerce-ese” to English:

“The landscape is boring and dry. It is treeless and without villages to get a cold drink. This is true in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Don’t even try this route in Winter! ”

As you can see, the pen is truly powerful when wielded by a Chamber of Commerce writer!

Ciao, for now!

4 thoughts on “Siena to Lucignano d’arbia; When the Chamber of Commerce Writes the Guidebook

  1. Well, I don’t know if I to pick up that outing for your birthday! You two are such troopers! Happy birthday, Bill, and may this adventure be just another one of many, many more. Love you

    1. Hi Willow! Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had a great birthday yesterday! Great company. I spoke with the kids. An adventure or two to talk about. Who could ask for more? Hope all is well with you. Love, Bill

  2. Happy belated birthday!

    Thank you for providing the factual description of this part of the journey. Sounds like the same chamber of commerce marketing group that renamed Rattlesnake, Idaho to….Mountain Home! It’s still a rattlesnake-ridden patch of sagebrush! You can SEE mountains from Mountain Home, but….🙂

    1. Thanks, Jim! It’s actually really impressive how they can come up with this stuff. When we were sailing in Mexico from Mazatlan to the Baja peninsula, our first landing on the Baja was in Bahia Muertos … death bay. A developer bought land there to build a resort, and “convinced” the government to change the name to: Bahia de los Suenos, “Bay of Dreams”. Same place, better marketing!

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