Seyssel to Chanaz: The detour

Today was 15 miles walked, with 500′ of climbing.  Our totals are now:  56 miles walked, and 6,000′ climbed.

Our stay by the river yesterday was beautiful …

as was much of our walk today along the river.

About 8 miles into the walk, we encountered this sign

“Detour, landslide! ”  Okay, we’ll go around! It added another couple of miles to the walk, but it got us to where we were going, Chanaz.

Chanaz is s very nice tourist town, bustling with, well,  tourists 🤔!

We saw two fellow peregrinos today. Chris, from Munich, who started his walk in Munich! He’s covering 25 to 30 miles a day and intends to finish on Santiago, 1200 miles later,  in mid October. WOW!   Then there was Carolyn, a single female hiker from North Carolina,  who is walking from the border of Italy to Le Puy, about 500 miles in length.

We’re happy with our 250 mille journey.  We may be slow, but we’re out here!

Take care, A demain!

4 thoughts on “Seyssel to Chanaz: The detour

    1. It really is stunning! It’s so important not to hike looking down at your feet; you’ll miss the beauty … and the trail markers!

    1. Thanks, Willow! We are thinking often of you too! There are so many beautiful places in this world … this is certainly one of them!

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