San Quirco d’Orcia to Gallina

10 miles walked, bringing the total to 130 miles,  overall.  There is no wifi here, and the cell signal is very poor. Net, no pictures and very limited text.

Yesterday we arrived to thunderstorms which lasted to about 8 PM. This morning the skies lit up with lightning and thunder at 7 am. We delayed our start until almost 9 am to minimize risk. For thr first 2 hours, we had a bunch of rain. For the remaining time,  we dealt with the resultant mud. It’s all an adventure!

We arrived to a very quaint B&B, with sparse accommodations (no A/C), but very gracious hosts. With temps in the mid-70’s instead of the mid-90’s, we’re going to be just fine.

Tomorrow is a long steady climb so we should get a good workout. The rain tomorrow is projected to startt at 2 pm, so we’ll try to be done by then.

That’s all we’ve got for today. God bless you. We are enjoying our blessings each day.


2 thoughts on “San Quirco d’Orcia to Gallina

  1. Sure seems like you do a lot of uphill walking! I’ve got to go back and find Diane’s itinerary that she sent me and look to see where you’re going each day. Are you using Gronze to map out your daily walks? The weather has cooled off here, only the high 90s. We’re doing fine here, I can’t wait to see more pictures! Get better Wi-Fi… LOL. Love you both!

    1. Thanks! We’re taking lots of pictures but we can’t keep a signal long enough to upload them without wifi and with poor cell coverage. Perhaps tomorrow! Regarding Gronze, Gronze doesn’t cover this walk. We’re using a guidebook, which we photograph each day, google maps, and mostly a “Via Francigena ” app (free), which has very detailed downloadable maps. Those three keep us (mostly) on course.

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