Pavia to Ospedaletto: What Doesn’t Kill You …

Today was 7 miles and 200′ of climbing.  An easier start than most Caminos.

So, today’s challenge was 3-fold; the first and most significant was, Diane came down with food poisoning the night before we left Riomaggiore. Ouch!  She managed to muster enough energy to walk to the train, and (more of less) survived the 3 hour ride to Pavia.

Fortunately, our B&B was only a 5 minute walk from the train station. And our hosts, Avital and Rafael, were amazing!

There was a pharmacy across the street which provided the necessary treatments and Diane climbed into bed for the needed rest.

This morning, she felt much better!  Not “best”, though. She now has all the necessary background information to write a guidebook on “The Restrooms of Pavia”.

Fortunately, today was short, and we’re here!

Minerva, the Patron Saint of Medicine


The second challenge we faced was our reservations. We were having trouble confirming our reservation for tomorrow night (10/2). While we had contacted them several times to reserve and confirm over the last year, we typically confirm within a week of our arrival. No answer! Finally, our host at last night’s B&B called the restaurant connected with the hotel. The hotel went out of business! Ouch! Given Diane’s state of health, we couldn’t walk further to find a place, and nothing was showing up, closer! We finally solved the problem this afternoon with the help of our new hostess, Maria. We have a place about the same distance as planned. All Diane needs to do is make it!

The 3rd challenge is weather. Seems this is the rainy season and Thursday (2 days from now)  … it’s gonna rain!

Note the word “severe” in that warning ⚠️! But as a great sailor and dear friend of ours once said, “the best weather report is just to look out your window”! So Thursday, we’ll “just look out our window”!

Take care, friends.

4 thoughts on “Pavia to Ospedaletto: What Doesn’t Kill You …

  1. I am so sorry to hear about the food poisoning! I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to walk and feeling so lousy. I’m sure the pharmacy helped you a lot, but there is a homeopathic remedy called arsenicum album that absolutely takes care of food poisoning. I’ve used it myself. If you need more info, give me a call or text me. Isn’t it amazing the wonderful people that you meet along the way! Glad you found a nice place to rest for the night. Beautiful pictures, beautiful countryside. Take care, be well, and stay dry? That may not be possible, but just remember, I’ll be walk next to you singing “I’m happy when you’re hiking.” 😆 Love you both.❤️

    1. Thanks for the very kind words. Between the pharmacy, the herbal tea recipe from our first stop, and the laurel leaf tea here at the second place, Diane is doing much better. We certainly hope so, because are now in the backwoods of Italy (one of the reasons it was so hard to find another place for tomorrow) 🤔.

  2. Yikes. Poor mom, food poisoning on a trip is the worst. 😭 I’m glad she’s feeling better and I hope that’s the worst that happens this trip. On our end, Natalie got a blood test and two shots this morning. 😱 She’s not a happy kid today

    1. Thanks for checking in on us! Mon is doing really well today (aside from being wet and cold). Hopefully, Natalie is also doing better! We love you!

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