Nous Sommes Arrivés

Following a long night and day of airplane flights, we have arrived. The French Riviera is beautiful. I guess that kind of explains why so many people come here. Our plan is to spend 2 days here in nice, and then go 20 miles down the road to on Antibes.  Antibes is where the language school is that we will be attending for 2 weeks.

As you can see by the photo, the  Mediterranean is beautiful, with the full moon shining in the background.

Just for completeness comment here is a picture of bill also on the promenade.  Jet lag Jet lag is catching up with us, so that’s all for now.

6 thoughts on “Nous Sommes Arrivés

  1. Beautiful sunset! And your shoes even match the scenery! What a start to an amazing, yet to be done, journey!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie. We will work hard to incite your jealousy. We do understand that you have a far more important project to take care of for the next 9 weeks or so.

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