Navarrenx to Aroue: We’re in the Basque Country

Now for the count and the amount:  Today was 12 miles, bringing our total to 458 miles overall. We crossed two more rivers, the Oloron and the Saison. Most noteworthy is the the Saison river is the former border for the Basque country … though many of the current Basque residents would object to the use of “former”.

After two nights in Navarrenx, we were rested and ready to get back on the road. It seems the town was ready to see us out and even sent a balloon to keep an eye on us to insure we were actually leaving! 

The walk today was as easy as a 12 mile walk could be, with cooler temperatures, forest covering, and a thoroughly level surface most of the way. Importantly, Diane’s shin was quiet (pretty much) the whole way! Praise God!

As we closed in on our stop for the night, we were greeted by the horse equivalent of Munchkins!

Okay, so they’re ponies, but they do remind me of Munchkins …

Two more days of walking before St. Jean. The excitement is growing!

2 thoughts on “Navarrenx to Aroue: We’re in the Basque Country

  1. Wow! You’re almost there. How happy and sad? You must feel to know that it’s coming to an end. I have loved following your journey and will continue to follow you, no matter where you go! Congratulations on being grandparents again. Basque country has always appealed to me and would love to journey through there someday . But for now Galicia has more appeal and my heart longs to go back. Where were you go after St. John P P? Will you continue to walk? Love you both.

    1. Hi Willow! Today was long enough and warm enough to take most of the philosophical bones out of us, so we’ll save the conversations in Being at the end until then. For now, we are just very content! And the birth of Natalie just makes it even better! Thank you so much for being such an active part of our journey. You kept us blogging by your interest and excitement of your next adventures. Love, Bill and Diane

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