Miramont-Sansacq to Arzacq-Arraziguet; Smelling the Barn

9 miles today, for a total of 411, so far. The wonderful, yet very stubborn woman continues to plug along!

The sun is waking up later and later as September progresses.

Our walk started very quietly for the first half mile, as our Chambre d’hotes was a bit out of town. Within a half mile, we saw four persons walking and talking … in American English! Turns out, they are from New York and had just started the day earlier. Very nice folks! The Yanks are indeed coming.

Five miles into the walk, we saw another amazing sight,  the Pyrenees! 

If you look just above the green horizon, you can see the outlines of the Pyrenean peaks. Our terminus is on this side of those peaks, St. Jean Pied de Port. We can smell the barn!

While good to be so close, both for the accomplishment and to get Diane off her leg, it will be very difficult to give up this walk, the French countryside,  the French people, and just the joy of waking each day to a new discovery.

Well, we’re still have another week or so to be melancholy, so we’ll save that for later.

Au Revoir

2 thoughts on “Miramont-Sansacq to Arzacq-Arraziguet; Smelling the Barn

  1. I can almost feel your excitement and sadness at knowing you’re so close to the end. I do pray that diane‘s “stubbornness“ does not end up in some real damage. Yes, she is very stubborn when it comes to persevering, but that’s part of why we love her so much. Having a great time with Aunt Janet, Jodi and Dawn. We are down near Indianapolis for the weekend at a special festival. Having a great time though it’s been hot! Love you both

    1. Thanks, Willow. There is some indication that Diane’s shin is getting better. We really are trying to minimize the stresses on the leg. Have a great things m time in Indie!

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