Lucignano d’arbia to Buonconvento; Be Flexible

Today was 8 miles (7.55, but that rounds up to 8!), bringing our total to 106 miles hiked, to date.

Our stay last night was off the beaten Francigena path, but it gave us a chance to break up a 20 mile stage into something more comfortable.

(The hotel Borgo Antico as seen on our departure)

The walk was pleasant, following a rail line in one side and a field of sunflowers on the other, for several miles.

The last few miles, the trail began the more serious up and down we’d seen on earlier days, and anticipating the climb up to about 3,000′ in a couple more days.

Ultimately, the village was in view and our days hike, finished.

Flexibility: August is vacation time in Italy, as it is in much of Europe. For Italy, that means that many businesses are closed for much of the month, or at least have reduced hours. You need to be flexible when shopping for needed items during this time. Add to that, the week of the 10th – 16th was a festival week. More businesses close during that time. Now, the 16th was the primo holiday day, and you had to be lucky to find a shop or restaurant open! It all works out. Just be flexible.

Flexible, the trail: Okay, yesterday we knew we would have to jump off the trail at some point, to get to our hotel. We planned that. However, about 1.5 miles before that plan, the trail zigged, and Bill zagged!

(The blue line is the actual trail. The red line is the “lost walk”. The green line is making a new course to the hotel. 🤔)

Shortly after our errant zag, we were staring at the back gate of home/small farm that appeared abandoned. Well, Bill figured that since we were sort of heading in the right direction for the hotel, why not use this as our off-trail launching point? What could go wrong?

Diane was a bit more skeptical and waited while Bill traipsed through the seemingly abandoned farm/ home. It seemed clear so he called Diane and soon they were both happily trespassing across this home! Ignoring the “video surveillance” signs, they found the other side without encountering polizia! Flexibility!  A 2.5 mile walk through town streets led them to their goal and all was well.

The side lesson here is: don’t believe Bill if he ever says “I never get lost!”

We’re now in our hotel room in Bounconvento, listening to thunder. Gotta be flexible!

6 thoughts on “Lucignano d’arbia to Buonconvento; Be Flexible

  1. We know better, don’t week Diahn? Bill always goes the wrong way at least once when you’re out walking your trails. LOL It keeps things interesting except when it’s hot, long, no shade, etc., etc. Thanks for your continued updates… Wonderful, wonderful stories that will bring wonderful memories long after you return stateside. Love you both!

    1. Daniel Boone was once asked if he’d ever been lost. His answer? “No, but I’ve been mighty misplaced for long periods of time! ” I’m just “mighty misplaced”!

  2. Oh, by the way, Iris asked me the other day where you were. I told her Italy. She said but yes, what city? I told her I can’t pronounce anything if it’s not Rome!

    1. Neither can we! We just attempt saying it to the locals and very shortly, they put us out of our misery by pronouncing it correctly!

    2. Bill, Welcome to the lost boys club. At least you didn’t have search and rescue out looking for you! Stay safe and be polite to the poliza!

      1. Regarding the “lost boys club”, I think I qualify as a charter member! Although these days, with Google maps, is pretty hard to stay lost for too long

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