Logrono to Najera; the carnage

Okay, a bit dramatic, but it is amazing how many of our fellow Peregrinos are suffering significant injuries. From very serious blisters to strains, sprains, bad knees, Achilles issues, etc. And they are not run of the mill;  they are typically pretty serious. Many are talking lay days, short days, or the bus. Some are simply calling it a day.

We are not without injury. Bill tweaked his Achilles running a couple of weeks before the Camino and it has become worse with the hiking. The hiking poles are a blessing as they take some of the load off of the Achilles.

Now for the hike: we left Logrono figuring to only go 8 miles to Navarette.  On making it there, we felt good so decided to push on to Najera, another 10 miles down the road. We stopped long enough on Navarette to sight see. Once again, this town had a beautiful church.


As we continued, we saw mile after mile of Rioja grapes. Here is a sample bunch:


Diane has become very Spanish and is now managing the mid day sun with a parasol!


And so, after completing a back to back couple of 18 milers, we arrived in Najera. Wow, this is a stunning town!


Apparently, the royalty of the Navarre region lived here a short 800 years ago or so. Here is another poor picture of s cathedral built into the side of the hill.


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