Cote St Andres to Primarette; Deja Vu

Today was 16 miles walked,  1,300′ climbed for a running total of 137 miles walked and 16,400′ climbed!

Today’s path, like yesterday’s (and the next couple days)  follow a very long valley from the foot of the Alps, to the east,  to the Rhone River (yep, well see that again)  and the beginning of the next mountain range to the west,  the Massif Central.

Strava provides a great satellite graphic of today’s hike, as:

Pretty cool, eh?

Going through valleys are nice, but are less “dynamic” than the mountains.  So, what did we see?  A Trojan Horse! (It was empty this time).

While walking through a plowed-over cornfield, the both of us had a deja vu experience; we’ve seen this thing before!

Here we are in the middle of literally nowhere, and there’s a direction sign giving you choices.

(You’ve got to look closely but there a very formal direction sign in the middle of this cornfield intersection! ).

I guess if you go left, you will go to cornfields, but if you choose right, you will also go to cornfields! Hmm, which way to go?🤔

Both of us immediately thought of the final scene in “Castaway”, where Tom Hanks stood at a similar role intersection and ponder where to go …

For us, we chose “go right”, mostly because that was our Camino direction.

Hope all are well!

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