If at First You Don’t Succeed

We are closing in on our first complete week of French schooling. In one more week, we will be let loose on the French countryside to ply our newfound skills as Francophones.

So, how are we doing? Recall those conversations when someone says something to you and perhaps hours later you think; ‘you know, I should have said such and such’?! Well, that’s what conversations in french are like! Someone asks you a question or just says something and you are immediately at a loss for: “what did they say? “, and “what do I say back?”. If only you had 5 minutes or so to figure out what they said and how to respond, our French would be so much better! Well, it doesn’t work that way.

Here are a couple of examples of speech-gone- wrong:

1. This morning, a woman cleaning the stairs at our apartment complex asked us (in French), “are you going for a hike?”. Bill’s response: “Yes, we have an apartment up there!”. She smiled, thoroughly convinced that Americans are really dumb!

2. Yesterday, Bill was asked, “where do you come from?”. Bill’s response? “We leave next Saturday!” Once again, that universal look of “dumbness” broke out on the French person’s face.

Seriously, everyone we’ve met have been very gracious and patient with our efforts to speak French. But, boy, do we have a long way to go!

Jelly update: On day one (when we first noted Bill’s jelly sting), it was a painful nuisance. Yesterday, it caught fire. Much swelling and welting. A visit to the local pharmacy (using our newfound French skills) put us on the path to relief! It will be a while before it goes away, but at least it is not continuing to worsen. 

Hope all is well with our family and friends back home.

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