Fromista to Carrion de Los Condes

The local Spaniards we have met have been remarkably gracious. More than willing to offer help, even as you slaughter their language.  They will even offer a ” Buen Camino “, even though they have probably said that 150 times already that day.

Today, we crossed over 250 miles and are just shy of half way. Tomorrow, we get to that point.

On leaving Fromista, the sun was just rising and peeked out from behind the rain clouds to shine in this church.


It is the Iglesia de San Martin, an 11th century church which is purported to be one of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in Spain. All we know is that it looked very cool in the sunlight.

The best way to describe the walk to Carrion is wet!  It rained for about an hour and one half during 3 separate occasions.  Yes, the rain gear was readily available and was willingly used.

The next two days will be big ones. We’ll need to do about 16 miles tomorrow, then 20b on Friday. Today, we’ll focus on rest and taking care of our feet!

3 thoughts on “Fromista to Carrion de Los Condes

  1. Greetings to the pilgrims. We are impressed with your consistent posts and internet availability.
    Please take very good care of your precious feet and hearts.
    John and Patsy

  2. did the two of you get washed away by all the rain? Really enjoy reading about each day’s adventure, and seeing the pictures. Such a beautiful country.

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