First Cinque Terre Walk

Today was 5 miles and 1,300′ of climbing, which will not count as Camino walking.

There is a reason Cinque Terre is so popular; it’s beautiful! And, before 10 am, it’s not crowded at all.

By 10 am, that changed!

Literally, thousands of (us) tourists descended on these five villages! In places, it felt like you were in a New York train station! Still beautiful, just crowded.

After lunch in Manarola, we opted for the high trail (steep, less crowded) path back to Riomaggiore.

And, finally, we were back to our home base.

A nice walk to start our stay here!

5 thoughts on “First Cinque Terre Walk

      1. We look forward to that time! It is beautiful, with so much to see! If the weather were better, the local fishermen would be going out in their small boats every day. It’d be fun to see that local flavor. As it is, their boats are all ashore, waiting for the seas to settle. Oh well. Please give our love to your family!

    1. You probably don’t have a pulse of the views here don’t inspire you! It is beautiful! Thank you for being a part of our walks and our lives!

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