Day 17: St Jeures to St Julien, French Lessons

12 miles walked, 1500′ climbed. Totals are 228 miles and 29,100′ climbed for this journey.

We stayed last evening in a Gite, kind of a mix of hostel and B&B. This is the 3rd Gite we’ve stayed in, and typically we’re the only ones there. Not this time!

As we came down for dinner, there were 7 other guests! The real surprise was to see our French friends,  Theirry and Eliane at the table! We thought they were a day ahead of us because we took a “day off” back in Bourg-Argental.

The conversation at the table was lively and totally French (no surprises). It was rapid fire! We were able to follow what the topic was, and on occasion, what someone’s opinion was, but rarely were we able to add our own comments. The conversation was just too fast. It was, however, excellent listening practice! We can use a lot more of that!

We also learned why we’ve seen so many additional hikers. It seems there’s a shorter loop hike that leaves out of Le Puy and returns to Le Puy. All of the new hikers that we’ve seen are from this shorter hike.

We left this morning to rain

The hike took us up over the mountains (4,200′) and into a whole new region.

The Le Puy area is loaded with the remnants of old volcanoes, which just added to the already majestic view.

And the highlight? We spent the day walking with Theirry and Eliane, working on our French and enjoying the company!

Tomorrow is our last day of walking. This journey has gone fast!

2 thoughts on “Day 17: St Jeures to St Julien, French Lessons

  1. More beautiful pictures! Diane looks quite lovely in her rain gear!! Oh I’m sure she wasn’t enjoying the rain. Soak it all in and I’ll see you on the next post! Love you both ❤️

    1. Thanks Willow! The rain didn’t last long, so it wasn’t too bad. We have just arrived into Le Puy … and Diane had to use the Pancho, again. We’re in our room, probably going to rest a bit, then I’ll think about the final blog post. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

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