Day 15: Ivrea to Viverone; Qwerty to Climbing

Today was 14 miles hiked and 1,300′ climbed. Totals are now 176 miles walked and 22,500′ climbed!

After a nice rest in Ivrea, our journey began with a nice walk through the Old Town of Ivrea, where several bakeries were doing their best to fill the air with the smell of fresh-baked goods and thereby tempt the undisciplined foreigner to part ways with their money in exchange for their treasures. Because we had a great breakfast at our hotel, we overcame that siren’s call. Bill, however, failed to capture a single photo of the medieval streets … distracted, I guess!

One out of the Olde town, we walked through the Old Town, not quiet as engaging, but a necessary part of our path.

Soon, however, we were in the countryside,

With views of lakes and fields

After the beautiful walk, we plugged in the GPS coordinates for our Viverone Lake Hotel, hoping for a waterfront venue! Rather, the Hotel opted for the panoramic “hilltop” view … put it into climbing gear!

Note the last half- mile climb on the Strava plot, above.

QWERTY: In 1908, Camillo Olivetti started a company to manufacture typewriters. He built the factory in his home town,  Ivrea (our last stopover)

The Olivetti brand soon became the standard of excellence in typewriters, with thousands of Ivreans working in the factory. Alas, industry and manufacturing changes led to shutdowns and the Olivetti factories are now only an Ivrean memory.

Enough for now. Enjoy your day.


4 thoughts on “Day 15: Ivrea to Viverone; Qwerty to Climbing

  1. Stunning views! And it seems like the elevation never ends! Very interesting about Olivetti. I didn’t realize so many different things have been built in other countries. Duh. I know I keep asking you this, but what are the total miles that you are going to walk on this journey? And when is your anticipated finish date? Inquiring minds want to know. We’re all fine here, had Marge here for the weekend and she is doing much, much better. Her goal now is to be off the walker by Christmas. I think she can make it. Until tomorrow, love you both. ❤️❤️

    1. Prego, Willow! We’ve got 6 more days of hiking, for about 80-85 more miles. It’s getting warm again, so we’re trying to get started earlier in the day. Take care of you!

    1. Hello Viktoriya and Alan! Great to hear from you! We were think of you both today as we walked through the weed-infested section of trail. We were quietly thanking you both for trampling down some of the weeds to make our path a little easier. Thank you! I admire the work Alan puts into his writings! Really great reading! Hope you both are holding up on your long days. We’re doing great, but are saddened with only 3 more walking days remaining. Ciao!

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