Cinque Terre Walk #2

Today’s walk was 10 miles and 2,800′ of non-Camino walking.

We left our home base in Riomaggiore before 9 am, headed by train to the northern-most of the 5 villages,  Monterosso.

After locating the trailhead, we were off! And up and down and up … always with great views!

Soon, village #2 was in sight, Vernazza!

A diet coke, a cornetto, and a rest stop, and we were in our way to Corniglia, village #3.

At this point, our “dogs” were aching, so we quickly got back on the trail to village #4, Manorola.

We were there yesterday, so we knew we were close to home!

Now, there are two roads from Manorola to Riomaggiore, the high road and the low road. We took the high road yesterday and it was the most difficult section of trail we have seen here! Our “dogs” said,  No!

The low road is the very recently reopened Via Dell’amore path, cut through the sheer cliffs by the sea. Very beautiful, very level and very short. Yep, that sounds just right!

The only challenge was, you need a special permit to travel on it. We had one! Unfortunately, the group of 30 or so in front of us did not have one! And they were vigorously arguing with the trail attendant (in Italian). Finally,  Diane raised her cell phone showing that permit towards the guard who saw the permit and said,  “Si! Si!” She called us forward, showed our phone to the arguing Italians and let us through. Yeah! Now we were less than one level mile from home!

Soon, we were back in Riomaggiore! We’re very content, but ready for the shower and dinner that wil revive us!


4 thoughts on “Cinque Terre Walk #2

  1. You two are having so much fun and you haven’t even begun the official Camino walk! I thought I had written to you earlier, but my comment didn’t show up, so just wanted you to know that I’m watching! Everything looks so beautiful and it makes me want to be there too! Hope your dogs are rested for your trip through the rest of Italy. I’ll be here, each day watching and loving every minute of your trip. Be well, be safe and know you are loved deeply.

    1. Yes, we’re getting a great walk workout before we’re even starting our Camino! We went for a short walk around town today and could feel yesterday’s climbing! Tomorrow we take the train to Pavia to 1) ship our bag to Rome, and 2) make final preparations for the start of our walk on Tuesday. This Cinque Terre stay was s perfect start to our Italy visit! Thank you for being with us every step!

    1. Yep, that would be Mom! And also the boldness to break through a crowd of unhappy Italian tourists to show the attendant 😉!

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