Category Archives: Paris

Day 1 in Paris

After two planes and two trains we have arrived outside of the office where we will pick up the keys to our rental apartment.  It is raining, but still very nice in Paris. Our only challenge? There is no one in the office for us to get keys. We are fortunate in that there are several free WiFi signals available. On accessing one, we are able to send an email to the person we were to meet. after 15 minutes with no avail, we use the wifi signal to make a Skype phone call. That seems to work. We are taken to our flat, and it is a wonderful unit on the 5th floor above the bustling sixth arrondissement street, Rue de Buci. A quick unpack later, we are out for a long evening stroll along the Seine.

This morning began with a running tour of Paris. In 6 miles of running, and 3 miles of walking, we were able to see the cathedral at Notre Dame, the Tulleries, the Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel tower, Musee d’Orsay, and many beautiful Ponts, etc. Take that Hop on Hop off! Our tour didn’t cost 29 Euros AND was a great warm up for the Camino!

This afternoon will be filled with more exploring and tomorrow, we’ll actually go INSIDE some of these sights we ran by!  No drive by tourists here!



Day 2 in Paris

Over the last 24 hours, we’ve actually gone inside the buildings! Yesterday afternoon was the Louvre, today was the Musee d’Orsay. While absolutely fascinating, both Diane and I have realized that we are each good for only about 3 hours in a museum at a time.  Even with that constraint, we we’d still able to see a lifetime of amazing art.

This morning began with a run to, then through, the Luxembourg gardens. That was beautiful and a great place to run! We weren’t the only runners with that idea. There were 100’s of joggers there.

This afternoon was the Orsay, then another great walk on the Seine.  On feature of all the bridges (ponts) is that there are locks plastered on all the railings. It is purportedly to lock in your love in Paris” … or something. Whatever it is, it is popular!


Metro Scoff Laws, Diane and Bill

Okay, okay, there is a back story. We left our rental unit at 6:00 am this morning to catch the metro, then the SNCF train to Bayonne, then the local train to St. Jean. That was early enough, but not cush with time. In arriving at the metro, we couldn’t find the ticket vending machine. We searched and searched. Bill asked the only other person around in french, where to buy a ticket (or so bill hoped). The guy looked confused (go figure) and motioned for us to follow him as he went through the turnstiles. Of course we couldn’t! We had no ticket!
Being inventive we decided to go in the exit and find the ticket booth INSIDE. Well, there was no ticket booth INSIDE, but we were!  So, we might as well take the train … because after all, we can always buy an add fare on leaving, right? Nope! No add fare.  So, we left the metro exit looking over our shoulders expecting a company of Gendarmes to swoop down on us at any time.
We have heard from some of our fellow pilgrims that they’d seen our photos inside the French post office, though. We’re only 5 more miles to the Spanish border. I think we’ll make it!