Castrojerez to Fromista: Never Pack the Rain Gear

First, some numbers.  Today is day 17. We have walked approximately 240 miles.

When last we left our readers, we showed a picture of castle ruins above Castrojerez. Seems it was built in the 8th century and continued in use until sometime in the 16th century. Somehow, we got inspired and decided to climb up to it. The view was worth it! Here’s Castrojerez from above.


Today’s walk was a roughly 16 miler so we started early. We had to wait out this local traffic jam on leaving Castrojerez.



One thing we’ve seen for scores of miles is sunflowers. Fields and fields of sunflowers. The challenge of taking a picture of them is that they have always been pay their prime. Not today. We finally found a field worth photographing. (Keep in mind that the photographer is not necessarily worth taking photographs).


Now for the titled topic.  On checking the weather reports, today looked to be the first day in several days without a significant risk of rain. So, Bill packed his rain gear. Yep, it rained! At least he knew exactly where to find the gear!

We are now in Fromista doing the chores that Peregrinos do. Hope all is well with each of you.

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