Bessoles to Conques

11 miles today, bringing the 10th day of hiking total to 130 miles.

Last night was a stay at a buffalo ranch, with about 300 sheep thrown in for good measure. (No problem sleeping,  just count sheep! ) Here’s our humble abode. 

Sorry, we have no photos of the buffalo … the buggers were hiding from us last evening. Apparently, they weren’t hiding well enough from the madame … Bill had tasty buffalo bourgignon for dinner!

So, speaking of eating/ drinking: Even the morning coffee is different here. The good news is that they seem to like a healthy sized cup of Joe here. The interesting thing is how they serve it … in a bowl!

In prior posts, we’ve talked about lentils and chevre chaud salad and duck. Well another unique dining adventure of this region is ‘Aligot’, a blend of mashed potatoes and stringy cheese. The result is both fascinating and tasty, but not for the faint of cholesterol! 

We left the Lot River yesterday morning and don’t return to it until the end of our hike on Saturday. It was beautiful! Here’s a shot of the Lot as we’re we leaving Estaing yesterday morning. 

Take care.

2 thoughts on “Bessoles to Conques

  1. The picture of the river with the castle reflecting on it is absolutely stunning! Worth framing when you get home! That cheesy mashed looks interesting. Looking forward to the next set of pictures and your next day adventure. Love you both

  2. It really is a chamber of commerce location! Every shop within 20 miles sells past cards from that spot. So, we must have a good eye for photos, also!

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