Astorga to Rabanal

We are finally back in the mountains, currently at about 3600′. Lots of trees, streams, etc.

So, 25 days into this walk, a bad day has to happen. Not bad as in “tripped”, or “sprained ankle”, but bad as in “attitude”.

There seemed to be many, many brand new Peregrinos on the trail today.  Astorga must be a popular starting point. And many new cycling Peregrinos. And, by my account, no one had good trail manners, etc.! I was really getting frustrated.

There’s a clue when you see everyone else being wrong and yourself as the only person with the “right” approach. There’s a good chance that you (me) are the one out of whack. I could see that but, darn, I still wanted to correct them all!

Diane, likewise was dealing with her own frustrations. Never good when both in a couple are frustrated at the same time.

We finally stopped in a small, ancient cathedral along the way and took a time out and prayed. No, everyone else didn’t change at that moment. But God did begin working on our hearts.

Frustration disappearing, we arrived in Rabanal to a beautiful casa rural and a scrumptious lunch.

No pictures today. Seems the photographer was dealing with a bad attitude!

Tomorrow we climb the Cruz de Ferro, one of the highlights of the Camino. More, later.

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