Bolsena to Montefiascone; The Rest Has Arrived

Today was 13 miles and 2,000′ of climbing. That brings us to 183 miles, overall, and 18,000′ cumulative of climbing.  Six days of hiking remain, along with tomorrow’s rest day.

Lake Bolsena is the focal point of both yesterday and today’s journey. It is roughly 1/4th the size of Lake Tahoe and was formed atop of a dormant volcano. Oh, and it is beautiful!

The terrace dinner we had at Lake Bolsena showed off a phenomenal sunset:

As the hike today was dominated by Lake views:

But the”brass ring” view is from our balcony at our accomodations for the next two nights:

(The balcony view)

We are now spread out and enjoying the beginning of the rest. We hope each of you enjoy this day, also.

Ciao, Bill and Diane

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