Radicofani to Ponte a Rigo

Today was 6 miles,  mostly all downhill. Our total is now 147 miles walked.

Radicofani was really beautiful, with stunning 360 degree views. Even our flat had an amazing view:

And the fortress at the top was visible for a very long distance away:

So what made Radicofani special wasn’t just the view, it was the people! Everyone we met was very friendly. In the restaurant, everyone seemed to know everyone else, but still all took time to say “hi” to us (in Italian). The proprietress of the small store we visited this morning figured that we were purchasing lunch supplies, then offered to make our lunches AND seal them for our walk. Locals on the street all greeted us … just very enjoyable.

We had a very short day today, which is good.  Bill has been dealing with flu- like symptoms for the last few days, so a short segment is a good  thing for recovery.

Since we’ve been without internet for the last several days, we’ll post a few of the photos from along the way today, as we have a fair wifi signal:

(The “classic” Tuscany photo).

(We had some rain! )

(Our very quaint place in Gallina )

All for now. Ciao!

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