St. Jean, Roncesvalles, Pamplona; It’s Not Our Camino

So, here are the numbers: 486 miles walked, or 12.5 miles/ day of hikng. 48,400′ of climbing, or an average of 1,240′ of elevation gain/ day of hiking.

By prior standards, this was an “easier” Camino. On the Del Norte, we averaged 15.5 miles. For our first Camino,  the Camino Frances, we averaged 14.7 miles.

As anyone who’s ever done this knows, the is no such thing as an “average” day or  “easier” walk.  Each walk, each day has it’s own uniqueness and challenges. Just simply enjoy the beauty and ‘suck it up’ when it gets tough. When it is all done, you will be so thankful you chose to do the walk and to stick with it when it got tough.

For us, the toughest part has been the last few days. We have chosen to recover, first in Roncesvalles (the first stop for Pilgrims on the Camino Frances), then in Pamplona (the third stop for Camino Frances Pilgrims). It is by far the toughest thing for us to watch these adventurers going out to play … and us sitting on the sidelines. We ache to be out walking!

We saw this familiar sign in Roncesvalles and just knew we could do that! Hey, we did it in 2014. Not this year, though.

But this is recovery time, so we need to relax and ‘be tourists’. Blah! So, we make such poor tourists!

To all those who stayed with us through the walk, thank you so much. Your comments, thoughts, and prayers meant a great deal to us.

Bon Chemin and Buen Camino!


6 thoughts on “St. Jean, Roncesvalles, Pamplona; It’s Not Our Camino

  1. WOW!!! That’s pretty much all I can say right now!! You both are awesome in our eyes!! We’re proud to be considered friends and look forward to sharing more stories when we return in December!! And congrats on your new baby!!! ♥️♥️

    1. Sue and Dan. Thank you for your very kind comments, though we know you have more than a few adventuring stories to share, also. As a matter of fact, aren’t you on an adventure right now? We look forward to hearing your stories. Until then, Bill and Diane

  2. I can feel the sadness in your voice and in your hearts. You have just finished an amazing walk, and there will be so many more to come. Enjoy each moment of your reflections, your rest, and your thoughts about the future. You have always been and will always be an inspiration to me. Love you both

    1. Sad? Yes, a bit. Mostly, just out of place. Transitions to “regular” life are difficult after these walks. But, we have much to look forward to: family, new grandchildren, home, projects and planning the next adventure! Thank you for being a part, here. You were a great comfort and encourager for us. Love, Bill and Diane

    1. Mary and Paul. Thanks, but you guys are the original rock stars! Keep us posted on what the crew from Adventura is up to next.

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