Lauzerte to Moissac; Embracing the Crumb

Today was 17 miles hiked, bringing our total to 291 miles walked, overall.

We continue walking through rolling farmland in this region of France. One of the interesting features of this region is the ancient desire to build the towns on the tops of hills. As our walk takes us from village to village, we’re constantly going uphill to a village, then down to the farmland, then up to the village etc. The photo, below, is two miles into the hike, where we have descended from Lauzerte (in the background) and then immediately climbed the next hill. Repeat and Rinse.

Along the way, we passed what looked like an enterprising young kid’s idea of fun. A bicycle ramp that sends the rider and bike into the lake! What could be wrong with that? 

Okay, on to today’s supplemental topic: Embracing the crumb! Regular readers will know that Bill is severely crumb challenged. He cannot eat a croissant (the national breakfast of France), without leaving crumbs everywhere. He assumed these messes left on the table, the chair, and the floor were a grievous offense to the French national sense of propriety. Add such, he’s been worried about being summarily kicked out of this beautiful country.

It was only this morning when Diane pointed out to Bill that the breakfast tables don’t even have bread plates. More so, the dinner bread is supposed to be placed directly on the table … it is not proper to place your bread on your plate.

The result? In every case, crumbs will be left behind! In other words, the crumb is the symbol of fine bread dining! Proper honor is given to the bread when you leave a monument of crumbs behind!

Oh! I’ve been honoring bread all along and never realized it. Tomorrow I will dribble crumbs with pride. C’est le pain!

2 thoughts on “Lauzerte to Moissac; Embracing the Crumb

  1. Now you don’t have to feel so “crummy” about your crumbs! HeHeHe Thank heavens you didn’t have a bike with you! I could see you practicing your triathalon skills, 2 at a time. Getting my J.I.T reservations for the trip next week. Will be staying at a hotel by the Tucson airport Monday night as my plane leaves at 6:15AM the next morning. I don’t have any friends dedicated enough (or crazy enough) to get up at 4 for the drive in. No BART at this end of the world. Am doing the same on my return through Chicago. Night before my flight I stay near the airport. Tell Diane remembers me and wants to know if I’d like a deal in Ponferrada! Next year…next year. Miss and love you both

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