Gramat to Rocamadour; Reunions

Today was 8 miles, bringing us to 199 miles, overall. You might ask, why didn’t we just continue for another mile to hit the round number, 200? Well we did! We actually walked another 3 miles up and down Rocamadour… but those don’t count towards the hiking total. Not sure why, but them’s the rules!

Today, again, was a hike through farmlands, before we dropped into the steep canyon which serves as home for Rocamadour.

Shortly after starting, we met again our Swiss/French friends that we’d met in Figeac three days ago. It was a great reconnect and another opportunity to practice our French! Thank you again, to our gracious friends, who let us massacre their language!

Just a few short conversations later, we arrived in the village of Rocamadour. 

It was there were met our Australian friends from much earlier on our journey. They had completed their hike in Figeac and were motor touring through France. They just happened to be visiting Rocamadour at the same time we were!

We have many great photos of this town, but unfortunately the internet is painfully slow. The photos will have to wait.

We miss you all.

4 thoughts on “Gramat to Rocamadour; Reunions

  1. I look forward to each day reading and seeing y’alls photos … Wonderful !!! Mattie (daughter ) is walking an The alternative route for a few days called the spiritual variant .. instead of straight up from Pontevedra , a camino walker told her to definitely go towards the water .. still Camino Portuguese though.. she’s got another hour or so to walk today.. late start today..

  2. We are familiar with that variant. After our Camino del Norte, two years ago, we spent a week in Portugal as tourists and saw many of the Camino Portugues stops. Sounds like your daughter is having a great journey! Thank you for your kind words about our blog and adventures! We all look forward to when you get the chance to return as a Peregrino!

  3. That’s beautiful village! Wow! Are you tracking the total number of miles you walk as well? That will be interesting to see how many total miles you walked, not just on your “Camino”. You continue to inspire me daily. I know this might be a premature question, but what are you gonna do after you reach SJPDP?

    1. Hi Willow! Yes, Rocamadour is beautiful! Diane tracks all her walks on Strava, including the afternoon and evening ‘wanderings’. After St. Jean, we actually continue walking to Pamplona, where we can catch a train for Madrid. A few days R&R there and we’r fly home.🙂

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