Figeac to Lacapelle-Marival

15 miles today for a total of 175 miles, so far.

We left Figeac this morning around 9am. A little later than we would hope given a longer hike, but good enough.  The first thing you see in leaving a town in France is a sign telling you that you are leaving! What is nice about this sign is that it tells us: 1) that we left,  and 2) that we’re on the right trail (notice the white over red stripes on the sign, below the word “Figeac”). Yep, this sign covers all the bases! 

At our B&B, we met a Swiss couple and a French couple who were also doing this detour to Rocamadour. They were kind enough to only speak French, so we had a terrific opportunity to practice/ improve our French. The result was, an hour or so of talking and we were putting together whole thoughts on a range of topics, in French. Either that or our kind companions just decided to let us prattle on and they would nod their heads on occasion. We hope the former is true, not the latter. 

As lunch hour approached, we were looking for an appropriate spot when this lake decided to appear. We had no choice but do stop and enjoy our meal there!

Shortly after restarting, we had this sense that we were being watched.  We looked up the embankment from our trail and spotted this young lady peering down on us! Unfortunately, as I pulled out my camera, she got a bit shy and almost pulled back out of view. 

Tomorrow will be a a longer stage (15-16 miles), which is okay, but tomorrow will also be in the mid-90’s F. Net, we will try to get an early start and avoid as much of the heat as possible.

Au revoir!

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