St. Chely d’aubrac to St. Côme d’Olt

Another 10 miles completed bringing us to 94 miles walked on this trip.

Many of the guide books consider St. Côme as a lunch  stop and recommend hikers to continue another 4 miles down the road or so. For us, this is a beautiful place to stop for the night … so here we are! Below is a photo of the ancient church here with the famous ‘twisted’ steeple. 

Let’s back up a bit. Last night, we stayed in St. Chely, a very charming village half the way between the heights of the Aubrac plateau and the Lot River valley. Here is the view of St. Chely on leaving the town. 

For dinner, we had the “demi-pension”, or the ‘included’ meal. Again, very nice. The surprise was the entertainment … the 8 year old daughter who decided she was using the restaurant to debut her career!  She presented a skit she developed, sang a few songs and did a bit of dancing. It reminded us of a Kimmy- created play, and a Calyn and Nora performed singing and dancing number!  Sorry, Ben, Jenna and Hayden. We didn’t see a part for you in this production. Perhaps in the next village?

The views and the hiking were beautiful, as we continued to descend from the high plateau to the river valley. 

In fact, over the last two days, we have dropped over 3,000′ in elevation. The rapid climb of daytime high temperatures confirms that we are more toward the low lands.

On arrival to St. Côme d’Olt, we were treated to something we hadn’t yet seen in this journey, a swimming pool! Talk about the right way to relax after 5 hours of hiking!

Ahhh, this is the life! 12 more miles of hiking tomorrow and then … another swimming pool!

4 thoughts on “St. Chely d’aubrac to St. Côme d’Olt

  1. What an awesome place to stop! And… A swimming pool! Go figure. By the time you’re reading this, you’re probably in the next pool for another dip! Sounds like things are going pretty good for you both. Are the pains subsiding? Or are you more a less getting used to them? Everyone is doing well here, just another day in the desert. Love you both.

    1. We’ve just arrived at our next stop and have only seen signs indicating the pool … no actual sightings. After our chores, we’ll do a serious search for that water. Today hit 90 F, which can be warm for extended walking. Net, we’re ready for some serious cool down. Pains are pains; so far they haven’t shut us down. Most often we are simply in awe of the countryside. It is beautiful. We can’t wait to read of your journey next spring!

      1. I am doing something daily now in preparation for next May. Started back with Duolingo, I am following Ivar’s forum and starting to look at the maps. You are very much an inspiration that gets me excited about my journey next year. If I walk alone next year, it will be because the two of you will be by my side in spirit. Love you both

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