Weather Matters

Here on the Cote d’Azur, predicting the weather has been straightforward. It will be sunny and 90 F. Done. Except today.  At 12:30,  there were clouds filling the sky and the question  of rain  entered the conversation. This was important because we were planning on going to Ile St. Marguerite, a beautiful local island, in the afternoon.

Our U.S.-based weather app suggested the possiblity of rain on the horizon. Some of our European friends offered their preferred Euro- based weather app, as it had “local knowledge”. That app said rain was possible, but not probable.

So, we went to the island.  It was really beautiful! Here’s a photo of the island interior: 

What you can’t see in the photo is the lightning storm going on overhead. It was impressive! The next photo shows the anchorage. Again, beautiful. Within 5 minutes of this photo, you could not see the boats because of the rain. It poured! And it continued for another hour-plus.

We have a friend who sailed in Mexico at the same time we did, Doug Brownell. He had the most fool-proof weather app available. It worked like this: Stick your head out the port (window). Look around. What do you see? Trust your eyes, not the ‘experts’. Doug, we’re still learning those lessons!

Fair winds and following seas, all. We miss you.

3 thoughts on “Weather Matters

  1. Thanks for checking in, Rebekah. The flooding was a bit north of us. The region affected includes Le Puy, where we will start walking on Monday. Right now, the forecast is 80% chance of rain on Monday. If it’s just wetness, we’ll get wet! If it’s more serious, we’ll simply bypass that section. For now, we’ll enjoy the life on the Med for a bit longer.

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