The Camino, When Nature Calls

I’ve debated long about whether to do this post, but decided is valuable to anyone considering the Camino.

So, what happens when you’ve really got to go?

There are many options, including:

1. Being blessed with a great bladder.  Not an option for most.

2. A convenient public restroom. It can happen, usually at restaurants. Typically the lines are very long, and/or it’s a long way until you get to that oasis of a restaurant (remember, you’re walking).

3. A convenient detour off the trail. It’s amazing how few of these exist, that provide good shelter and don’t require you walking another several hundred yards for that privacy.

4. The most common solution? a 1 minute lead on the next hiker and a nice bush, tree, etc.!

And that’s about all the options available!

Now in Sarria, another several hundred additional Peregrinos joined the quest, making that “1 minute” requirement challenging. Thus, a really foggy day helped!

And these are the challenges we Peregrinos face on a daily basis. Yet … we continue.

2 thoughts on “The Camino, When Nature Calls

  1. So much to consider! And I still think men have it easier than women, in terms of being able to do it on the go, so to speak! I can’t believe how far you gone, and that you’re so close to the finish line. What an accomplishment!

  2. I was going to post about how proud I’m am that you’ve gone so far and realized it could me a bad post to make that comment on….maybe I’ll wait for a safer topic. 😉

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