Rabanal to Molinaseca

Today was the 26 th day of our journey. We are now 368 miles into the walk. Because we had a mountain range to cross, 16 miles to walk, and wanted to spend time at the Cruz de Ferro (more on this in the next blog), we started our walk early, under a very clear sky and 36 degree temperature. It was chilly!


After a couple hours of climbing, we made it to the top and the Cruz de Ferro.


We spent just about an hour there before moving on down the other side. There, we dropped down roughly 3,000′ over the next 8 miles. What made it more challenging was the loose slate that constantly challenged your foothold. We have become convinced that hiking poles are a necessity.

We passed through several charming villages,




before making it to Molinaseca. Here’s the view out our hostal window. Definitely worth the walk!



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