Day 6: Zena to Fiorenzuola; 3 Detours and a Charge

Today was 10 miles and 300′ of climbing. Totals are 67 miles walked and 1700′ of climbing.

Last night, we stayed at a beautiful Agriturismo, El Capitolo.

The hostess was a remarkable chef, so dinner was amazing, and the host, her husband, was a native Italian who lived in San Francisco for several years!

While wonderful, it was also a couple miles off the Via Francigena. Therefore, the first detour was to get back on the Via Francigena. Our alternate path did allow us to pass through some very nice farmland

, with a constant view of the Appinnines … our future hiking target!

Once on the Via Francigena, we followed the signage to a well-noted stream crossing. The guidebook tells you not to pass if there has been recent rain. Well, it’s been raining recently!  When we got to the stream, it was mud and knee-deep. No can do.

Detour #2 was walking a couple extra kilometers out to the busy highway of yesterday to find an alternate crossing.

Now, Detour #3 requires some background. 3 days ago, we had a major downpour, In taking photos of our adventures, Bill’s phone got very wet! It is supposed to be waterproof. Nonetheless, every time Bill attempted to charge it, the phone said, “Danger danger, water detected in charging port”. Not a really happy thing.

Every so often it wouldn’t say that warning and Bill was able to charge. Not so, yesterday. We tried:  air drying, blow drying, charging with the phone turned off, buried in uncooked rice … nothing was working.

Well, what about wireless charging? No “charging port” involved. Hmm. Only problem? Where in the world can we find a wireless charger? No Amazon deliveries here! And no car to drive around to find an electronics store.

Well, blessings do happen. Not far from our stream detour, was a hypermarket (think Walmart superstore). They might have one!

We “googled” a walking path to that store, then entered with guarded hope. The clerk spoke no English, but with Google and Bill’s limited Italian, we finally found …

In Bill’s right hand is the much hoped-for wireless charger. And so ends Detour #3!

Now, the double blessing is that, the detour to the hypermarket actually shortened our route to Fiorenzuola! Nice!

We’re now in our room and the charger has been successfully charging Bill’s phone now for an hour. Yippee!

All for now, Ciao.

One thought on “Day 6: Zena to Fiorenzuola; 3 Detours and a Charge

  1. And the adventures continue! You are so very resourceful, congratulations on getting what you need. I am loving reading about your adventures and I hope that you both are physically handling the walk, the weather and all of the wonderful changes. Every day I look forward to, “what’s next?“ Be well, enjoy, and don’t forget to sing “I’m happy when I’m hiking“. Love you both.❤️

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