Day 10: Etroubles to Aosta

Today’s journey was 10 miles and 800′ of climbing. Totals are now, 103 miles hiked and 15,300′ climbed. Again, descent was the story today, with 2,900′ of descent. Two days ago, we were at 8,200′ and today we’re down at 1,970′. That’s a lot of downhill in 18 miles of walking.

When we woke up and looked out the window, we noticed two things.  First, our hotel was right on the trail (no getting lost for at least the first 100 yds)


And second, it snowed!


Which was much better viewed a couple miles down the trail

Our best guess is that the snow line was about 1,000′ higher than where we stayed last night. That would make it about 2,000′ BELOW the pass where we stayed 2 nights ago. Beautiful, but tough for hiking!

The trail was very nice, following a canal/stream through the mountains

Eventually, we made it to Aosta where we will spend 2 days before pushing on.  Aosta is a town of about 60,000 people … a bit of a shock for us after a week of villages of a couple hundred.


Bill and Diane

4 thoughts on “Day 10: Etroubles to Aosta

  1. I can’t believe I didn’t reply to this yesterday! What an awesome view but not a great one to walk in! Glad you missed the snow. Keep on keeping on! I love you both.

    1. Thank you, Willow, for checking in on us. It was beautiful … and a bit cold! It’s warming up now, though!

    1. Rb, it is just beautiful! But, we recall spending a few days with you and family at another very beautiful place! Give your family a hug for us!

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