Aigle to St. Maurice, Transitions and Claims to Fame

Day 3; 12 miles walked and 1,500′ climbed. Our totals are now 42 miles walked and 3,600′ climbed.

One of the amazing features of walks like these is to watch the countryside, the culture and the dining change little by little each day. So far,  geography is the most rapidly changing thing.  We started with lakefront walking,

then to glacial valley.

We’re now entering a long canyon which will take us to the base of our major climb this year:  the Col du Grand St. Bernard, a mountain pass about 8,200′ in elevation.  I  copied Strava’s 3D image of our hike to show a sense of the change.


Tomorrow and much of the next day will be canyon hiking, with the full-on climbing starting Thursday.

Claims to fame:  Geneva was famous as the headquarters of the United Nations and World Health Organization. Lausanne, the headquarters of the Olympics Federation. Vevey had Charlie Chaplin, Montreux  had the Jazz festival. Even last night’s stay,  Aigle, was the headquarters of the UCI ( world cycling regulatory body).

So, what about St. Maurice? Well, their claim to fame is Smurfs! You know, those little blue guys!

Seems St. Maurice holds a four month festival honoring them every year!  Though here, the call the little buggers, ‘Schtroumpfs’! Say that five times, fast!.

Enjoy your day. We are enjoying ours, with Schtroumpfs and all!

4 thoughts on “Aigle to St. Maurice, Transitions and Claims to Fame

  1. Did not know that they were so many internationally famous sites there! Sounds like the two of you are having a great time. Rest up so that you’ll be ready to go on your uphill climb. Don’t think I’d be singing “I am happy when I’m hiking“ on that long elevation stretch you’ve got ahead of you. Probably not singing, “climb ev’ry Mountain“. Probably more like, “County Road, take me home,“. Love you both!

  2. I can’t say “ Schtroumpfs” once. 🙂

    Happy Birthday Dad! Love you both.

    Hope the weather cools down a bit soon.

    1. Thanks! We can’t say “schtroumpf”, either! Thanks for the birthday wishes. I’m feeling those years on the trail! And, we’re looking forward to this hot spell ending in a few days. It’s rather toasty!

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