Day 2: Vevay to Aigle; Leaving Lake Geneva (Leman)

Today was 17 miles, with 1,000′ of climbing. Totals are 30 miles hiked and 2,100′ climbed.

Lake Leman (Geneva to Americans) is just beautiful!  It’s about 30% larger than Lake Tahoe and every bit as stunning!

Our day began with a very quiet stroll along the lake,

Which was not at all like the night before, where thousands of Swiss headed outdoors on a Saturday eve to enjoy the warmth and beauty of a lakeside stroll.

We made it way through Montreux

home of the world famous Montreux jazz festival!

Eventually, we made it to the southeastern-most part of the lake and had to say adieu to Lake Leman! Not before watching an amazing parachute acrobatics competition taking place. It was cool!

It was also distracting, as, by the time we noticed that our trail signs were taking us in the wrong direction, we had walked 1.5 miles out of our way! Now, to fix it, we could backtrack an additional 1.5 miles, or … “freelance”. Bill chose “freelance” and Diane patiently went along 🤔!

All we has to do is:  1) walk along a busy road for a while, 2) cross a muddy creek, 3) skirt a highway, 4) cross some train tracks inappropriately,  and 5) … pray!

Well, we made it!

We intersected with the formal path

And continued like nothing happened!

We also met another pilgrim (long distance hiker) named “Lupo”. An Italian,  he started his walk in Canterbury, England and was headed to Milan (home). A really nice guy,  he gave us some good insight on the trails from England and through France, should we get that notion.

It was also hot! For as green as Switzerland is, they don’t seem to care for tree-covered trails!  We started at 7 am to get some miles in before it got too hot. Maybe 6 am would have been a better idea.

Enough for now. It continues to be stunning here!

4 thoughts on “Day 2: Vevay to Aigle; Leaving Lake Geneva (Leman)

  1. I didn’t realize that lake Geneva was that big! How are you two holding up? How’s the back, legs, feet? Are you getting good food to eat now that you’re “on the road“? Love you both!❤️

    1. Good Morning, Willow! At least it’s morning here! We’re holding up. Diane has the first blister of the trip. While we’re confident that more will follow, we in no hurry did their arrival!
      We’re not starting quite as “sprite” as we usually do, but we’ll attribute that to heat and distance, not to getting older🫢! We still had enough juice to take a walk last eve to explore.
      Take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks Rebekah. Mostly, it was very good natured conversation. There was a bit of convincing required to go through the cornfield (oh, I forgot to mention that! ), but otherwise, it really has been fun!

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