Day 13: Chavanay to Bourg-Argental; Over the River and Through the Woods

18 miles hiked today, with 3,200′ of climbing. Totals are:  179 miles hiked and 21, 600′ climbed.

Yesterday was “over the river” and today was certainly “through the woods”! (and orchards and streams, etc!)

We left Chavanay and began climbing immediately. In short order, the view of the Rhone, far below, was fantastic!

We also met the seventh Pilgrim we’ve seen on these 170+ miles of hiking.  He’s an Austrian, going from Geneva to Le Puy.

We also met multiple day hikers, couples and single hikers, all French, who were very friendly and allowed us to work our simple French with them!  It’s really a great way to get to know a people, with these easy, unrushed conversations.

On multiple occasions, we found ourselves (as Daniel Boone used to say)  “mighty misplaced”! Actually, not bad, but … As we walked along, there would be places where  fire roads, or farm roads, or goat paths, etc would intersect.  One of these paths was the one  you arrived on, one  would be the correct path to leave on, and two or three others that are just plain “there”, the wrong path. This intersecting situation happens with some frequency, and the correct choice is usually well marked. Today, not so much.

On several occasions we had to “pick a path” commit to it for about a 1/4 mile and search for trail marks. If no success, go back and try another approach. 2 or 3 times today, we had to use that approach!

So, about 1/2 way through today’s stage was saw this sign:

It’s a sign indicating “only 1,600 km to Santiago”. That’s 1,000 miles for us Yanks. It also says “100 km to Le Puy” (62 miles) . So what’s interesting is that we have walked all of that 1,000 miles (less the 62 mi) on prior hikes!  Plus the 170 miles back to Geneva!

After a long day of hiking, we arrived in Bourg-Argental, our rest for TWO nights.

We arrived a bit late, but our host was gracious. He occupied himself by working on his toy!

Laundry, showers and searching for food await.

Toute a l’heure!


2 thoughts on “Day 13: Chavanay to Bourg-Argental; Over the River and Through the Woods

  1. Glad you’re taking another night off. And you’re only 62 miles from Le Puy? So it sounds like meals aren’t part of the night’s stay, eh?

    1. Good morning Willow! What we’ve learned is that all trail information should be considered as “more or less’. So, 100 km (62 miles) we view a more or less. Interestingly, about 10 km past that sign that said “1,600 km to Santiago”, we passed another sign that said, “1612 km to Santiago”. Hmm, are we going backwards? Regarding meals included, we’ve only had a few this trip. I’ll try to do a run-down later today as my Post for the Day.

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