Nous Sommes Arrivés a Geneve

A long day of travel, but no major hiccups … therefore, successful!

Before describing the journey, let’s jump to the finish line. Here’s the view from our hotel balcony !

In the background are the Swiss Alps and in the foreground, the Rhone River.  About 200 yards to Diane’s right is Lake Geneva! We’re okay with this view!

The flight from LAX to Madrid was long, 10+ hours, but nice.  We had 90 minutes in Madrid to clear immigration,  security, then find out terminal/ gate, but again, no problem.

Once in Geneva, we took a bus/metro to the hotel (easier, thanks to very helpful locals), and now we’re here!

Tonight we sleep well, then tomorrow begin exploring this beautiful city!

A bientot

One thought on “Nous Sommes Arrivés a Geneve

  1. What a journey! And the walking has yet to be done. I guess except for the walking throughout the city, lol. So glad that the flights for without incident. Let the fun begin! Love you both

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