Villavante to Astorga

First, for some details: Today was the 24th day of walking. We have now covered about 340 miles, or the equivalent of walking from Danville to Ashland, Oregon.

The weather has continued to be overcast with occasional showers. One of the challenges of wet gravel trails is that the wet gravel sticks slightly to your shoes. I say “slightly” because once the gravel ladened shoe is up in the air and passing the other shoe, the gravel strategically drops off the upper shoe and into the lower shoe where it wreaks havoc on the foot! Hikers are aware of that problem and use “gaiters”to protect the feet. This morning, Diane decided to use such protection.


Bill asserted that the problem would go away in 5 minutes and forsook the gaiters. In short moments later, Bill had cuts on the back of his feet where the gravel dug into his heel. He’s does learn, though slowly sometimes.

Within 10 miles, we were on the plateau above Astorga looking down on the town and the mountains beyond.


In 2 days, we will be in those mountains.

Oh by the way: it seems that Astorga was an important gold mining town for the Romans a couple of millenia ago. Even Augustus Caesar made a visit here.

Tomorrow, we are off to Rabanal, the foot of the next mountain range.

One thought on “Villavante to Astorga

  1. it is so amazing that you walked so far and that you are continuing to move forward. The question I have, is, are you enjoying yourself? You and Diane both need to answer. Would you do it again? Do you question the fact that why did you do it in the first place? And what are those miraculous moments that cause you to say I am so glad I’m here?

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