Conques to Decazeville; Up and Up

12 miles today, for a current total of 142 miles walked.

Last evening, we stayed in Conques, an important religious/ historical town, but not large by any measure. With a population of about 250, it seems everyone there must be working in the tourist industry.

The village is built near the bottom of a very steep canyon, so all the walkways/ roads are very steep, with tight switchbacks.

The old cathedral is the focus of the town, and it is beautiful. They have several pilgrim type events each day, so we joined for the vesper (singing?) and musical recital later in that evening.

The recital knocked our pilgrim socks off! It was an amazing organ performance which was then joined by Latin singing and a trumpet. The acoustical quality in that cathedral was great. The last number they did was “House of the Rising Sun”. Whoa! We’d do that again! 

The concert ended with a lumiere show out front. Same concept as Le Puy, just a whole lot more modest in scale. 

Today started with up.  And up and up! In a little over one mile, we’r climbed 1,000′. What added to the challenge was that the trail quality was not good. Significant erosion meant that ruts and roots and rocks was the menu de jour.

The gift was that the forecasted reason did not start until we were up off of that streep section. 


Now, on to our chores!

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