Burgos to Hornillos

Sometimes, things work out well. We booked the hotel in Burgos, sight unseen on the Spanish version of hotels.com for a very, very reasonable price.  On arriving to the hotel, we find out it is a 4 star hotel and we have a suite! The Beverley Hillbillies are home!  A salon downstairs, and a very spacious living and sleeping area upstairs, we had a world of choices on where to hang our laundry!

This morning we started about 8:15 for Hornillos, with a first stop being any place that sold food and coffee. We hit the jackpot! Lots if excellent coffee and food got a very reasonable price.  Fueled, we did the approximately 12 miles to Hornillos in record time! Here is Hornillos as we approach it.


We are staying in a Casa Rural, Sol y Sol. It is a very pleasant place with a younger owner whose family has connections with Emilio Estevez. “The Way” is a really big deal for the residents along the Camino.

We are now roughly 212 miles into the journey. We are learning a great deal about ourselves, or fellow Peregrinos, and the purpose of the Camino. More to come, later.


One thought on “Burgos to Hornillos

  1. I am in awe & totally amazed as I followed your journey. You two are truly amazing and I can’t wait to hear more in depth detail about what you’re doing. You answered one of my questions that I hadn’t addressed to you, and that is, do you make reservations ahead of time? Do you have a map so that you look at it and decide where you might want to stop for the day? Or do you just walk until you decide you’ve had enough and wherever the nearest town is that’s where you stop?

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