St. Jean: A Day of Preparation

We should probably note that almost all pilgrims we have met do not take a day of preparation. Just about everyone we met yesterday left this morning. That, even though it was raining a good deal. When you get here and sense the anticipation of the journey, you understand the desire to start now, not later.

We are not in a rush. We took a day of preparation … and the weather is supposed to be much better tomorrow.

One of the requirements of the pilgrimage is to check in at the Peregrino office and receive your first stamp. The office is always crowded! Many, many pilgrims. They are an equal mix of twenty-somethings and retired folks (like us).


Next, we searched for gas for our backpacking stove (remember out 80+ packets of Starbucks Via?  We don’t want to be caught out! )

From there we explored where the trail begins. If you saw “The Way”, you’ll remember the first thing Martin Sheen did on starting his journey was go the wrong way! We at least have that one covered!


Here is a photo of the river Nive as seen looking or our hotel room window. It is beautiful here.

Well, tomorrow we begin!


2 thoughts on “St. Jean: A Day of Preparation

  1. You are whetting our appetite, guys. We will be in St Jean de Pied de Port exactly nine days from now but alas, not on foot. We admire your adventurous spirit. We’ll probably pass across your trail somewhere around Santo Domingo de la Calzada. We’ll be staying in the Paradore there on Sept 12 & 13. Have a great time
    Bob and Marilyn Kuckuck, Danville.

    1. Hi Bob and Marilyn, While we are enjoying every part of this journey, we do miss St. Jean. Enjoy! We will likely cross through Santo Domingo on the 9th and 10th, so we will miss you. Maybe another spot down the road. Enjoy France and Spain. They are beautiful!

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