Le Premier Jour: Le Puy to St. Privat d’Allier

Day one, done! Well, actually Day 2 is also done but we had some major trouble with the internet yesterday.

Day one: We chose to start the day by attending the Pilgrim’s service at 7:00am. Though we are not Catholic, it would be truly a loss to not attend this beautiful service to send off the Pilgrims. It has been done for a thousand years before. We attended and we’re blessed. Definitely worthwhile.

The hike was 15 miles of winding up and down through some very beautiful French countryside. 

Oh, and it did rain. Maybe 90 minutes. Enough to require the rain gear, but nothing to cause problems.

In the Le Puy region, famous for lentils, every meal will have lentils. Here’s our lunch on the way: 

And with a full stomach, more hiking: 

And then we arrived! Laundry, food (including lentils) and sleep awaited.


4 thoughts on “Le Premier Jour: Le Puy to St. Privat d’Allier

  1. Micah, you are smarter than I am. It took me until this trip to appreciate lentils. We will be adding them to our dining in the future!

    1. Mary, Paul: Thank you for your encouragement, though we are still in awe of the adventures you two have had and are still having! We look forward to hearing the next installment of Life after Aventura. Fair winds.

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