Day 11: Primarette to St Romaine

Today was 11 miles walked and 1,000′ climbed. The running totals are 148 miles walked in this trip and 17,400′ climbed.

We are certainly hearing of the hot, hot weather back home.  Our hearts go out to those of you suffering through that.

Here, the weather is transitioning, from Summer to Fall. The rain storms have been mostly reserved for evening hours, but are extending more and more into daytime, hiking hours.  It still can be beautiful, as this photo from our place last night shows:

Today, the rain started just after we arrived at our current place!  Tomorrow,  we will likely start out in rain.

At one point, we needed to cross under the TGV  high-speed train tracks that run from Avignon to Lyon.

(You can see the train in the center of the photo, above).

It occurred to us that we had actually taken that train, on these tracks, 4 years ago! We had just finished language lessons near Nice and took this train as part of our trip to Le Puy en Velay… the continuation of this hike which we did in 2018! Who’d of thunk we would hike under those tracks, 4 years later?

Tomorrow we finish at the Rhone … after 6 days away from it.  It continues to be a fascinating journey!

Stay cool!


4 thoughts on “Day 11: Primarette to St Romaine

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! We are indeed enjoying ourselves! We seem to have to work a bit harder than we used to … or go a bit slower, to get that enjoyment, but it has been worth it! Please take care of you and your precious family!

  1. Every day is just so awesome! Sounds like you both are walking without any major hiccups? How many more days of walking? On this part of your journey? Thank you for sharing with all of us. Miss and love you both.

    1. Hello, Willow! We have about one week on this walk. It’s been amazing, so far! Hiccups? I’ll hold off on that topic until we’re closer to the finish line, but we have been blessed!

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