Campagnano di Roma to Guistiniana; The Times They are a Changin’

17 miles today. A longer one. Our total to date is 251 miles since Lucca.

Yesterday was backwoods and waterfalls,

Today ended with busy streets and noisy traffic.

Yesterday we were traveling through towns right out of the 40’s and 50’s,

(Do you remember gas stations with the pumps right alongside the main road? I do … Centerville)

Today, everyone is driving with a cell phone in one hand and the wheel in the other … just like home!

Tomorrow, we will see the splendor of Rome. This is the first glimpse we had of the Roman metropolis, from 20 miles away!

Time to recover from today’s hike and prepare for the final walk, tomorrow.



2 thoughts on “Campagnano di Roma to Guistiniana; The Times They are a Changin’

  1. Dearest Bill and Diane. Oh I’m sure the mixed emotions are bubbling over as you see Rome coming ever so near. It sounds like the hike is been quite strenuous and hard on the old bods for the last few days, eh? You two are such inspirations to me and so many others who look at challenges and wonder if they can actually do them. You are proof that you can! I look forward to my walk next year in Spain, hopefully with you, but I have now decided I’m going one way or another. I love you both, you are my Camino heroes!

    1. Willow, thank you for your very kind words. Possibly the greatest part of these Caminos is in seeing others on their journey. There is Franco, a very much at-peace older Italian from Milan. Or David, the quiet spoken Swiss gentleman. Or Stephan, who walked out his door in Belgium and kept going for another 2,000 kilometers. The are couples and single women and youth. They’re all here. They all have stories. And all you have to do is get here to read those stories. You have a story, too, Willow. Next year, you WILL play out a chapter of it. Until then, dream, plan and prepare. We can’t wait to see what you write!

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